Monday-Friday 8A-5P and 24/7 on the web and in the APP

Important Disclaimer Information

By proceeding and using this website you acknowledge acceptance of these terms. IBEW Local 43 does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained on this site, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in these materials, and disclaims all warranties expressed or implied.

In no event will the IBEW Local 43, Funds, Trustees, service providers or other third parties who may be mentioned on this site, be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the reliance, use, inability to use, or the results of use of this site, any websites linked to this site or the materials or information contained at any or all such sites.

If this website has provided links to outside sites, it is solely as a convenience to the user and the IBEW Local 43 is not responsible for the content or the availability of these sites. The IBEW Local 43 does not regularly review materials posted on the linked sites, nor do they endorse all of the materials appearing at such sites. Any use of the links provided to other sites shall be at the sole risk of the user.

Privacy Policy

Local 43 Website Privacy Policy The IBEW Union Local 43 respects the privacy of its members, contractors and visitors. If you have any questions about the operation of our website, please contact us.

Data Collection This website collects names, email addresses, and other personal information from members, contractors and visitors only when submitted via one of our online forms, such as our Referral Re-sign form, contact form, etc. This data is used solely by IBEW Union Local 43 and is not shared, traded, or sold to third parties. This website also collects non-personal data through the use of server-based "session variables," which we use to achieve important site functionality, including the recognition of logged-in users and the secure passing of forms data, etc. When implemented, in order to identify customers as they proceed through the check-out process, the website also uses a single “cookie” (a small file stored by your browser on your hard drive); thus, online transactions require a browser that accepts “cookies.”

IP Address Recording This web-server records IP addresses from all visitors to our site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our site, to analyze trends, to track user movement, and to gather broad demographic information—all for the purpose of continually improving our website and delivering personalized, custom content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information, and their collection is standard procedure in most web-server environments.

Links This website contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website, for which The IBEW Union Local 43 is not responsible and cannot control.

By using, you signify your agreement to our privacy policy as stated above.

Note: Our Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time as needed. Please re-read this policy prior to submitting any personal information. If you have concerns about how your information is being collected and/or used, please contact us here.

IBEW Local Union 43